How to Use the Calculator as a Dedicated Window


  1. Open Google Chrome and navigate to your calculator webpage.
  2. In the top-right corner of the Chrome window, click the three vertical dots (menu icon) to open the Chrome menu.
  3. From the menu, hover over "More Tools," and then click "Create Shortcut."
  4. In the "Create Shortcut" dialog box, enter a name for the shortcut (e.g., "Calculator App") and check the "Open as window" option.
  5. Click "Create" to create the shortcut.
  6. Chrome will now create a shortcut for your calculator on the desktop or the Apps launcher (if available).
  7. Double-click the shortcut to open your calculator in a separate window, which will look and feel like a standalone app.

Other Browsers (Firefox, Edge, etc.):

  1. Open the browser (e.g., Firefox or Microsoft Edge) and navigate to your calculator webpage.
  2. In the address bar, click and drag the website's icon (usually a small padlock or globe) to the desktop. This will create a shortcut to your calculator webpage on the desktop.
  3. Double-click the shortcut to open your calculator in a separate window, which will give it an app-like experience.

iOS (Safari):

  1. Open Safari and navigate to your calculator webpage.
  2. Tap the "Share" button (usually an arrow icon at the bottom center or top of the screen, depending on the iOS version).
  3. From the share options, tap "Add to Home Screen."
  4. Enter a name for the shortcut (e.g., "Calculator App") and tap "Add."
  5. The calculator shortcut will be added to your home screen, allowing you to open it as a standalone app.

Android (Chrome):

  1. Open Google Chrome and navigate to your calculator webpage.
  2. Tap the three vertical dots (menu icon) in the top-right corner to open the Chrome menu.
  3. From the menu, tap "Add to Home screen."
  4. Enter a name for the shortcut (e.g., "Calculator App") and tap "Add."
  5. The calculator shortcut will be added to your home screen, allowing you to open it as a standalone app.

By following these instructions, users can easily create shortcuts to your calculator on their devices, which will open it in a separate window and give it an app-like experience. They can then access the calculator quickly without going through the regular browser interface.